Wednesday, September 4, 2013

 First Timer

 OK so I'm totally new to the whole blogging thing, so if anyone ever actually reads this, bear with me until I get the hang of it, and I promise I'll try to keep it interesting.  Soo here's a little bit about me... I am a college sophomore at Indiana University (Bloomington), majoring in Apparel Merchandising, (with a minor in Marketing) and living in an awesome apartment with my 3 best friends in the whole world.  I'm originally from California, and college was the first time I ever moved.  I'm sure it sounds odd; a born and raised Cali girl moving to the cornfields to study fashion...honestly if i had a dollar for every time someone asked "Why'd you choose Indiana!!??" I'd be rich by now...but, believe it or not, IU actually has an amazing program for Apparel Merchandising!  And even though there's pretty much cornfields surrounding us on all sides, the school itself is literally the craziest, most fun place I have ever been, I have met so many awesome people (hicks included), and I have had the time of my life so far.  I'm starting this blog because I have a crazy intense love of clothes, shoes, jewelry, and all things fashion, and I feel like it's about time I started sharing my own outfits, and the things that inspire me, with the world.  Keep in mind, I am a currently job-less college student (AKA I consider Urban Outfitters expensive and a clearance rack is pretty much my best friend) So I don't have crazy expensive clothes or designer pieces, and I don't get clothes sent to me from websites...  although I would probably(definitely) kill to get those things... I do the best with what I have, because the way I see it, money can buy all the clothes you want, but style is not for sale (but obviously it wouldn't hurt to have both).  Plus it helps that I have 3 roommates who's closets I can raid on the reg... I probably wont usually write posts this long, but I just wanted to give a little background on myself in case there happens to be anyone besides me (or my mom) who starts reading this blog...wish me luck! 



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