Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Modern Minnie

 Dress: Forever 21    Shoes: Converse (with diy studs)

Today was hot hot HOT, so I decided to raid one of my roommates' closets for an outfit that required wearing the least amount of clothing possible...and this is what I emerged with

This black and white speckled dress is super cute and super light and airy, which is perfect for these hot and humid summer days in Bloomington.  I especially love the open back, so believe it or not, I got away without wearing a bra with it, so I could show it off!

And just so we're clear; I'm not usually a sneaker person (in fact this is the only pair I own besides gym shoes) but when I saw the DIY studded converse trend all over tumblr earlier this year, I couldn't resist buying my own pair to stud over the summer!
